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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/28/13 Draw From the Springs of Salvation Bob Waldron N/A N/A 04-28-13A_Draw_from_the_springs_of_salvation.mp3
04/28/13 Immodest Apparel Adam Willingham N/A N/A 04-28-13P_Immodest_Apparel.mp3
04/21/13 Young People, Heed the Warnings Bob Waldron N/A N/A 04-21-13A_Young_People_-_Heed_The_Warnings_1.mp3
04/21/13 Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged Adam Willingham N/A N/A 04-21-13P_Judging_others.mp3
04/14/13 Faith Bob Waldron N/A N/A 04-14-13A_Faith.mp3
04/14/13 Remember God in Your Youth Justin Lewis N/A N/A 04-14-13P_Remember_God_in_Your_Youth.mp3
04/07/13 One Heart and One Soul Adam Willingham N/A N/A 04-07-13A_One_heart_and_one_soul.mp3
03/24/13 Homosexuality Adam Willingham N/A N/A 03-24-13A_Homosexuality.mp3
03/10/13 Miracles Bob Waldron N/A N/A 03-10-13A_Miracles.mp3
03/03/13 Dealing with the Bible Bob Waldron N/A N/A 03-03-13A_Dealing_With_The_Bible.mp3
02/24/13 Treasures of the Word Bob Waldron N/A N/A 02-24-13A_The_Treasures_of_the_Word.mp3
02/17/13 Children of Elders Bob Waldron N/A N/A 02-13-13A_Children_of_Elders.mp3
02/03/13 Who is Jesus? Bob Waldron N/A N/A Who_Is_Jesus__1.mp3
01/27/13 Am I Saved? Bob Waldron N/A N/A Am_I_Saved_1.mp3
01/27/13 Job, the Faultfinder Adam Willingham N/A N/A Job_questioning_GOD_1.mp3
01/20/13 Being a Mary in a Martha World Adam Willingham N/A N/A Making_Time_For_God_1.mp3
01/20/13 The God of All Comfort Adam Willingham N/A N/A The_Promise_of_Comfort_1.mp3
01/13/13 The Need for Elders Jimmy Johnson N/A N/A Elders_1-1455514746.mp3
01/13/13 The Life of Jesus Bob Waldron N/A N/A Life_of_Jesus_1.mp3
01/06/13 Premillennialism Left Behind Adam Willingham N/A N/A Premillenialism_Left_Behind_1.mp3
03/18/12 Sir We Would See Jesus_Casting Out Demons Bob Waldron Foundations Class: Sir, We Would See Jesus N/A 22_Sir_We_Would_See_Jesus_Casting_Out_Demons.mp3
03/28/10 Leviticus 14 Bob Waldron Foundations Class: You Shall Be My People N/A 25_Leviticus14.mp3
03/24/10 Leviticus 11-14 Scott Black Foundations Class: You Shall Be My People N/A 24_Leviticus11-14.mp3
07/12/09 The Story of the Bible Bob Waldron Bible Stories N/A 00_TheStoryoftheBible.mp3

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