

True Riches

True Riches

                                    How much wealth and riches,

                                    Are contained in all the earth?

                                    In U.S. dollars

                                    What would it all be worth?

                                    What is the worth of a soul?

                                    It is a gift from God, to each one.

                                    He will receive it back,

                                    When our life on earth is done.

                                    Think of the wealth of the world and your soul.

                                    Can you really compare the cost?

                                    For what does it profit, if you gain the world

                                    And your soul is lost?

                                    We can lay up treasure in heaven,

                                    It can't be material things.

                                    We can do the good works of God.

                                    Joy from life of service is what this brings.

                                    What are true riches?

                                    It's heaven, if we walk God's straight line.

                                    It's being his children and

                                    Sharing in the nature of the Divine.

                                    (By Steve Melton, August 24, 2023)

Thought Provoking Questions

1) What good is love if there is no one to give it to?

2) What good is joy and happiness if there is no one to share it with?

3) What use are riches, if there is nothing good to use them?

4) Where would the joy of service be if there was no one to serve?

5) How would one understand the comfort of peace without first conflict?

6) How can one be content without first having a need?

7) Can there be justice without punishment?

8) What use is there of discipline, if not to make one better?

9) Can one sorrow without having loss?

10) Could it be this is why God made man? (By Steve Melton)

There Is Only One Truth

            1. There is a single body of truth. "The" (singular article) "faith" (singular noun) means that there is one faith authorized by God. The New Testament does not speak of many acceptable "faiths." (Eph. 4:5 - "one faith"; 2Tim. 1:13 - "the pattern of sound words"; 1Tim. 3:13 - "the faith which is in Christ Jesus")

            2. This one body of truth is apprehendable by all. God never gave a command beyond the ability of humankind to obey. Since God ordered the called to fight to maintain the purity of the single body of truth, it follows that they can discern the untainted faith from corrupted versions of it in order to contend for it. (Rom. 1:16-17, 10:17; Eph. 3:3-4)

            3. This one body of truth is complete. Jude wrote: "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" (v 3, NKJV). All subsequent revelations in conflict with it are false doctrines. (Gal. 1:6-9)

            4. This one body of truth is authoritative; it was "delivered" to them. Inspired scripture came from the mind of God through the Holy Spirit to the apostles and prophets who wrote it word for word for posterity. (2Tim. 3:16-17; 2Peter 1:16-21, 3:1-2)

            5. This one body of truth is exacting. It was delivered to the saints with no exemptions given to anyone for anything. All Christians must acknowledge this single body of truth, understand it alike, accept it in its fullness, recognize its authority, and contend for it earnestly against all false doctrines. Professed believers and followers of Jesus Christ need to develop the strength of character and moral courage to stand for sound doctrine. There are no neutral positions in the war on apostasy. (1Cor. 16:13)

            6. There is a body of truth on any Bible matter. That body of truth is called THE (singular definitive article) faith. There is a means by which I apprehend the faith. It is called MY (personal possessive pronoun) faith. THE faith is objective, and cannot be less; MY faith is subjective, and cannot be more. THE faith is not modified by the strength or weakness of MY faith. Thus, MY faith must conform to THE faith.

            7. It must be understood that there is difference between my faith and my opinion. My faith is what I believe about what God has said. My opinion is what I think about what God has said. My obedience to God is motivated by my faith, and my faith is merely informed by my reasoning. Both personal faith and opinions can be mistaken; however, in terms of my salvation my faith is more critical than my opinions, as my opinions are more mutable and transient. (By Paul R. Blake)

Protecting Children’s Feet

            “Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matt. 18:4-6).

            Years ago, an old woman was noticed to be picking up something in the street in a slum area. The policeman on the beat noticed the woman's action and watched her very suspiciously. Several times he saw her stoop, pick up something, and hide it in her apron. Finally, he went up to her and with a rough voice and threatening manner demanded, "What are you carrying off in your apron?" The timid woman did not answer at first, whereupon the officer, thinking that she must have found something valuable, threatened her with arrest. The woman opened her apron and revealed a handful of broken glass. "I just thought I would like to take it out of the way of the children's feet," she said. Oh, how we need people like this timid little woman who cared about what hurts "children's feet." (From Illustrations Unlimited by James S. Hewett, p. 328)

            Mark 10:13-14 says, “Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.”

A Moments Wisdom

--All people love those who love them. It is unique that Christians love those who hate them.

--Some people have hundred acres of potential but only a half-acre of it planted.

--Don’t give until it hurts; give until it feels good.

--The way to heaven is to turn right and go straight.

--Any relationship where you put yourself first cannot last.

Upcoming Sermons

10/8/23 AM - “Truly This Was the Son of God!”; PM - “To Err is Human”

10/15/23 AM - The Problem with the Preacher; PM - The Word of God vs. Occult Beliefs

10/22/23 AM - Beneath the Banner of the Cross; PM - “Jezebel Stirred Him Up”

10/29/23 AM - Jesus’ Family; PM - Guest Speaker: Andrew McPherson

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/2/25 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/2/25 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  4. 1st Sun Eve Singing
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/5/25 07:00pm
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