

"Can I Help You?"

Can I Help You?”

            As a nurse, I often encountered reluctance/resistance from my more mature patients to accept help. They would argue, "I don't want charity."

            I would counter this resistance by asking them if they had given help to those in need while they had the ability to do so. They would always answer, "Yes." I would then make this argument: "By helping others you now have earned the help that you now need. By allowing me and others to help you, you are giving us a chance to earn the help we will inevitably need in the future." This argument would often help them by changing charity into an earned commodity.

            Jesus taught also the humility we need to serve and to be served. When He told us to wash one another's feet He was teaching us to be humble and willing in our service to one another. When He asked to wash His apostles’ feet, He demonstrated our nEEd to allow other's to serve us. When Peter resisted Christ's help, Jesus challenged Peter's ability to even be His disciple if he did not demonstrate humility and willingness to accept help. (John 13:8)

            Another word for charity is love; by doing for others, we are showing Love and serving Christ. “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me’” (Matt. 25:40). And, when we accept this charity, we enable others to also serve Christ and fulfill His command to love one another. “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2).

            Accepting, and even asking for, needed charity is commanded, loving, and never to be thought of as shameful or sinful. (Coral Blake)

Getting on an Elevator

            I made the mistake before one of my recent surgeries of looking up, the night before the procedure, exactly what was going to happen. It took those vague words “spinal laminectomy and lumbar fusion” and turned them into ones to inspire anxiety if not terror in the one who was facing the procedure. Google even supplied a couple of un-asked-for photos in addition to the text which were particularly unhelpful. Quite understandably, I could not sleep after that, turning in my mind over and over again what was going to happen the next morning, wondering what it would be like, if something might go wrong, and exactly how much pain and debilitation there would be afterwards.

            Then I stopped myself by looking at the actual instructions given to me by the nurse. I was to arrive at the hospital at such a time, enter at a specific entrance, and get on an elevator to a certain floor. Those were my directions, and that was where my responsibility ended. I was not performing the surgery. I would not even be awake during it. I should trust the doctors and nurses and the hospital to do their part. I didn’t need to think about what would happen afterward - that wasn’t my part, and worrying about it would not help. I was just getting on an elevator.

            I must also confess to a certain anxiety when it comes to the end of life. I have had enough health issues that have landed me in an ambulance or the hospital to know what it is to fear death. I have gotten myself worked up at times, wondering what it will feel like, if it will be quick and sudden, or long and lingering. How much pain will I and those I love have to endure during the process, and afterward…what will that be like? Surely it will be overwhelming, unlike anything else experienced here. Even the Bible writers seemed to struggle to find the words to describe the transition to the next life. “It has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is…” (1John 3:2). “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed - in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…” (1Cor. 15:51-52). What will that translation to a new body and a new form and a new life be like? Will it be frightening?

            Then…I stop myself. I look at my instructions. I am to read my guidebook, find the narrow way, and enter by the straight gate. Those are my directions, and that is where my responsibility ends. I should trust my God to do His part, which is to save me, to keep watch over my soul, and to send His heavenly angels to carry me across the void I cannot pass by myself (Luke 16:22).

            I am not in charge of performing the resurrection. I am simply getting on an elevator. (Heather Auman)


Upcoming Sermons

7/16/23 AM - “As the Elect of God, Holy and Beloved”; PM - Learning by Watching

7/23/23 AM - When Our Rooster Crows; PM - Guest Speaker: Doug Sanders - New Jerusalem?

7/30/23 AM - Milk Drinkers and Meat Eaters; PM - When Lying Feels Right

8/6/23 AM - “The Memorial of Christ” (A Worship Service Dedicated to the Lord’s Supper); PM - Monthly Worship in Song - Themed Singing Service: “The Lord’s My Shepherd”

8/13/23 AM - Shaking Hands with a Leper; PM - “I Quit!”

8/20/23 AM - God Wants All of Us to Be Saved; PM - When Love Facilitates Sin

8/27/23 AM - The Bible Plan for Personal Peace: Things Persons at Peace Refuse to Believe; PM - The Bible Plan for Personal Peace: Things People at Peace Do Differently Than Others

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    2/2/25 09:30am
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    2/2/25 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/2/25 05:00pm
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    2/2/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/5/25 07:00pm
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