

Local Churches and Civil Government

Local Churches and Civil Government

By Paul R. Blake

            I received the following two questions regarding the interaction of local churches with civil government: “I am wondering about a subject that you could perhaps help me research. I am wondering if it is scriptural for a church that is trying to follow the Bible to incorporate in order to be able to buy land for a building. I understand that the Church is the Kingdom of Heaven and it is a Spiritual Kingdom ruled by Jesus through his local appointed Elders. Do you have any Bible study material one way or the other on this topic? How about a statement of faith or something that a person wanting to be baptized signs stating what they believe, and that they are in agreement with the teachings of the congregation, and agree to be in subjection to the local elders, and that they agree to be spiritually disciplined and even dis-fellowshipped if necessary to save their souls, and that they agree and promise they will not bring a suit or go public with any complaint and promise to not sue and hold harmless the leaders of the Church, the Preacher, and any and all members and the corporation that holds the deed to the land and the building?”

            Answer: Like customs, legal matters are subject to change. While the word of God does not change, it does supply Christians with general instructions regarding interaction with persons regardless of the cultural law and customs of the world in which they live. Regarding incorporation, Christians comply with the laws of the country in which they are citizens. “Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men” (1Peter 2:13-15).

            There is nothing in the laws for incorporation for not-for-profit and non-profit organizations that violates the nature, work, organization, or New Testament pattern for the church. It simply helps the church to exist and be recognized by the rest of the world as a distinct entity that is lawfully capable of conducting business as necessary with the world, i.e. build a meeting house, purchase supplies, remain exempt from taxation, etc. It is little different from that of a Christian who must have some form of identity in order to do business, i.e. drive a car, open a bank account, purchase a prescription, etc. Unless one can prove that incorporation violates the New Testament pattern for the church, the local church must comply with the customs and rules of the country in which it resides. Romans 13:7 instructs Christians to: “Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.” Complying with the law does not imply that the church is subject to local government rather than to God; they manifest subjection to God Who commanded Christians to comply with civil law.

            With regard to a statement of faith in the form of a signed document, there is no authority for this in the New Testament. Christians declare their faith in the Lord and their willingness to obey the will of God when they confess Christ with their mouths. “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10:9-10).

            Their confession of faith is a de facto statement of their intent to be a follower of Christ. A local congregation may not require more of an individual than the scriptures authorize. However, fellowship in a local church is a privilege, not a right; and, it can be offered or refused by the local church for scriptural reasons. The apostle Paul acknowledged the need of some to have letters of recommendation to establish fellowship. “Or do we need, as some others, epistles of commendation to you or letters of commendation from you?” (2Cor. 3:1). Local churches are to refuse fellowship to those who come to them with erring doctrines (2John 9-11). Local churches are to end fellowship with sinning Christians who refuse to repent (1Cor. 5). The church at Jerusalem was acting responsibly when they refused fellowship with Saul of Tarsus until he was commended by Barnabas (Acts 9:26-28). Christians do not need letters of indemnity or contractual agreements when establishing fellowship, nor do Christians go to court against one another for ANY reason (2Cor. 6:1-8). A local church may not require anything that is not authorized in scripture.

            However, in this litigious world local churches often have to deal with ungodly professed Christians who have no moral compunctions against suing their brethren. In addition, local churches often have to deal with deliberately ignorant brethren who stubbornly persist in believing that their personal beliefs, opinions, and applications of scripture are equal to what is actually written and authorized in the word of God. Furthermore, local churches are encountering on an increasing basis, professed Christians who are afflicted with paranoia, who believe that they must isolate themselves and the local church from all practical and necessary interaction with the world around them. Paranoia and sound faith are not equal to one another, and it is extremely problematic for elders in a local church to have to bear with such persons and keep the local church sound and at peace simultaneously. Yet it must be understand that in each generation, Christians in local churches must bear with the hardships endemic to that time, and this is what churches must bear with today; that is, government that requires local churches to obtain legal identification and immoral professed Christians who sue local churches. The first century church had to bear with persecution in Roman arenas, but our burden is different. Nevertheless, God requires that we bear patiently with governments that require incorporation for churches and with Christians immoral enough to sue churches, and let God judge them both in the end.

            “It Is…” -- Three statements by the Lord beginning with the words “It is...” offer us comfort, reassurance, and hope that Jesus is enough. The first is in Matthew 4 and is repeated three times: “It is written” (vv.4,7,10). In responding to the three temptations of Satan, Jesus gave us proof enough that the Word of God is true and overcomes the most powerful forms of temptation and pressure.

            The second statement, “It is I” (Matt. 14:27), was spoken when Jesus told His terrified disciples that He Himself was presence enough to stop the howling storm and calm the raging seas.

            Jesus spoke the third “It is” from the cross: “It is finished!” (John 19:30). He assured us that His death was provision enough to pay the debt for our sins and set us free.

            Whatever our circumstances, Jesus is present with His love, compassion, and grace. He is proof, presence, and provision enough to carry us safely through. 

            On Time -- Time wasted is existence; time used is life. If you want to kill time, why not try working it to death? When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection. Yesterday is a canceled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the only cash you have. Spend it wisely.

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