

One Minute Sermons

One Minute Sermons

            "If any will not work, neither should he eat" (2Thes. 3:10). “You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help little men by tearing down big men. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves” (Abraham Lincoln).

            In a time when capital punishment is considered barbaric, medicine alleviates much of our suffering, we are pampered and coddled on every hand, convinced we are not to be denied the slightest comfort, Jesus' instruction to take up our crosses and follow Him can seem like a meaningless metaphor. If we understood it, it would shock us to the marrow of our bones. (Oscar Miles)

            "Our evangelical culture tends to take the awesome reality of a transcendent God who is worthy to be feared and down-size Him so He could fit into our 'buddy system.' The way we talk about Him, the way we pray, and, more strikingly, the way we live shows that we have somehow lost our sense of being appropriately awestruck in the presence of a holy and all-powerful God. It's been a long time since we've heard a good sermon on the 'fear of God.' If God were to show up visibly, many of us think we'd run up to Him and high-five Him for the good things He has done" (Joseph M. Stowell).

            “No one in his sense, if he has any power of ordering his own day, would reserve his chief prayers for bedtime; obviously the worst possible hour for any action which needs concentration. The trouble is that thousands of unfortunate people can hardly find any other. On a day of travel with, perhaps, some ghastly meeting at the end of it, I'd rather pray sitting in a crowded train than put it off till midnight when one reaches a hotel bedroom with aching head and a dry throat and one's mind partly in a stupor and partly in a whirl” (C. S. Lewis).

            "For my mouth will speak truth; Wickedness is an abomination to my lips" (Prov. 8:7) In the July 15, 1993 “Boardroom Reports,” Peter LeVine writes: "When the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey ran a help wanted ad for electricians with expertise at using “Sontag connectors,” it got 170 responses even though there is no such thing as a “Sontag connector.” The Port Authority ran the ad to find out how many applicants falsify resumes."  (Leadership Magazine, Vol. 15:1, Winter, 1994, p.47.)

The Parable of Ten Preachers

            "Then shall the religious world be likened unto ten preachers, which took their religious beliefs, and went forth to debate the Devil. Five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. The foolish took their beliefs, but took no Bible with them. But the wise took the Bible into their minds and their hearts. While the devil tarried, they all prepared their notes for the discussion.

            And at midnight, there was a cry made, 'Behold, Satan cometh, go ye out to meet him.' All of the preachers arose and presented their religious doctrines. And the foolish said to the wise, 'give us a passage from your Bibles to support us, for our doctrines are without scripture.' But the wise answered saying, 'Your doctrines are not in the scriptures, and we cannot have part with error; but go ye rather to the scriptures and learn for yourselves.'

            And while they went to hunt for scriptures; the Devil came, and they that were ready went in to the discussion, and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other preachers, saying, 'Open to us.' But Satan answered and said, 'Verily, I say unto you, we have nothing to discuss, for you are with me.' Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein you must answer error. (Adapted from an article by Larry Dickens)

A Moments Wisdom

--I believe there are no poor students, only unmotivated students.

--No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.

--He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

--The teacher can light the lantern and put it in your hand, but you must walk into the dark.

--The best way to know God’s will is to say “I will” to God.

--Temptation, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity.

--Watch out for temptation—the more you see of it the better it looks!

--If you value your corn, pluck out the grass.

--Few speed records are broken when people run from temptation.

--One-half the trouble of this life can be traced to saying yes too quick, and not saying no soon enough.

--It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it.

--He that labors is tempted by one devil; he that is idle, by a thousand.

--Idleness is the parent of all vice.

--No mill, no meal. An idle brain is the Devil’s workshop.

--He that would eat the kernel must first crack the nut.

Doing nothing is about the most tiresome work in the world because you cannot stop and rest.

--“What is life’s heaviest burden?” asked a youth to a sad and lonely old man. He answered: “To have nothing to carry.”

--Some folks’ idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.

--There are always too many people who reach for the stool when there is a piano to be moved.

--The world is full of willing people; some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

--Man to friend: “My brother-in-law leaps out of bed as soon as the first ray of sun touches his window. Of course, his bedroom faces west.”

--Courtesy costs nothing, yet it buys things that are priceless.

--Observe With Care

    “If your lips would keep from slips,

    Five things observe with care:

    Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,

    And how and when and where.”

--A good way to save face is to keep the lower half shut.

--Big doesn’t necessarily mean better; sunflowers aren’t better than violets.

--Show how strong you really are by not pointing out how weak the other person is.

Upcoming Sermons

6/25/23 AM & PM - How Long Will God Continue to Bless America? (Requested) (Parts One & Two)

7/2/23   AM - Opening a Door for the Gospel; PM - Worship in Song: Congregational Choice of Songs

7/9/23   AM - Gospel Power; PM - Learning by Listening

7/16/23 AM - “As the Elect of God, Holy and Beloved”; PM - Learning by Watching

7/23/23 AM - When Our Rooster Crows; PM - When Lying Feels Right

7/30/23 AM - Milk Drinkers and Meat Eaters; PM - Guest Speaker: Doug Sanders

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/2/25 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/2/25 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  4. 1st Sun Eve Singing
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/5/25 07:00pm
  6. View Full Calendar