

A Few Bible Questions

A Few Bible Questions

By Paul R. Blake

            (I received the following two questions from a sister in Christ --- prb) “Is it wrong to wear religious symbol jewelry?”

            (Answer) There are two considerations in the matter of jewelry. First, what is the wearer trying to communicate with the jewelry, and second, what message is received by the observer. If one is wearing a cross for religious purposes, he does so without authorization from God. Under the Law of Moses, Israelites were told to wear a blue stripe and tassels in their garments to signify that they were the children of God. Christians are told to wear good character and a moral lifestyle to communicate this. No symbol can take the place of it.

            It is possible that one could wear such a symbol without intending the implied meaning of the item. However, why would she want to wear it without meaning it? If she is wearing it without a thought of its meaning to others, she is treating the symbol in a cavalier, disrespectful manner, which reflects her character; therefore, she should not wear it.

            In addition, the symbol communicates much to observers, Christian or denominationalist. Christians view such things with a jaundiced eye, and therefore it will adversely affect the wearer's influence. Denominational people put a great deal of stock in the wearing of religious symbols and will take too much meaning from the wearing of them... much more meaning than the Christian wearer may intend. Again, this impacts one’s influence, possibly communicating, even unintentionally, that the Christian is one of them (at least in the mind of denominationalist).

            I recommend against the practice. Is it specifically named as a sin? No, but it is high risk behavior to gamble with one's influence.

            (Second question) “Are we accountable for dreams?”

            (Answer) If you are talking about dreams one has at night, then no, one certainly is not accountable. Dreams are the activity of the unconscious mind which comes into ascendancy when one is asleep. We do not control the content of our dreams. Dreaming, according to one school of thought, is a sort of intellectual flushing of the brain, allowing all of the semi-conscience fears and desires to be viewed and discarded while one is asleep.

            Besides, fleeting thoughts, however unpleasant, violent, or potentially sinful they may seem, only become sinful when we capture them and deliberate on them. I might be angry at a motorist who cuts me off in traffic and imagine punching his nose, but then immediately realize that is not a good thought, and therefore move to another line of thinking. I have not sinned in this; instead I have been tempted by a thought and successfully resisted it. No sin has occurred.

            Likewise with a dream, I might dream one night of being filthy rich and wasting the money on caviar and yachts, but it does not become the sin of greed or evil desire unless I intentionally dwell on the idea of being rich while I am awake.

            Now, if you are asking about daydreams, that's another matter. One can control what he or she daydreams about. The mind is like the body and the mouth; our will controls our thoughts, just like it controls our words and deeds.

Keep Facing It

By Tommy Thornhill

            A tramp when asked his philosophy replied: "I turn my back to the wind." That's probably why he was a tramp. Following the line of least resistance makes rivers and many men crooked. A man cannot drift to success.

            I am told by those who sail ships that in the midst of a storm the ship's bow is kept facing the wind since the heaviest seas run with the wind. So facing the wind is safest. The trees that face the wind on the coast become the straightest and tallest. From them were made the masts and spars of sailing ships in past days. Scrubs grow in the protected valleys. Strength and power is built by facing resistance, not yielding to it.

            "Keep facing it" is a good philosophy for us to follow today. There is no sense in kidding ourselves; wishful thinking must go. We have a tough war to win and the only way to win is by facing the facts and difficulties that confront us. Whether the going is rough or smooth we must not turn back. We must keep plowing ahead, facing the stormy tribulations and trials of life. By so doing we will grow in strength, endurance, and courage. Then we will win because we deserve to win.

A Moments Wisdom

--A wrongdoer is often a man who has left something undone, not always one who has done something wrong.

--True politeness is perfect ease and freedom. It simply consists in treating others just as you love to be treated.

--A man can never be a true gentleman in manner until he is a true gentleman at heart.

--Small kindnesses, small courtesies, small considerations, habitually practiced in our social conversations, give greater charm to the character than the display of great talents and accomplishments.

--Good manners are the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever makes the fewest people uneasy is the best bred.

--It does not spoil your happiness to confess your sins. The unhappiness is in not making the confession.

--Look at that beautiful butterfly and learn from it to trust in God. One might wonder where it could live in tempestuous nights, in the whirlwind, or in the stormy day; but I have noticed it is safe and dry under the broad leaf while rivers have been flooded and the mountain oaks torn up from their roots.

--A bad conscience embitters the sweetest comforts; a good one sweetens the bitterest crosses.

--Conscience warns us as a friend before it punishes us as a judge.

--There is a difference between him who does no misdeeds because of his own conscience and him who is kept from wrongdoing because of the presence of others.

--He was a fool who killed the watchdog because it alarmed him when thieves were breaking into his house. If conscience upbraids you, feel its rebuke. It is your best friend.

--Christ is not valued at all unless he is valued above all.

--In Jesus I see the picture of the kind of man I know I ought to be.

--If Shakespeare should come into this room, we would all rise; but if Jesus Christ should come in we would all kneel.

--Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the liberty to do as you ought. Too many people are clamoring for freedom to do what ought not to be done.

Upcoming Sermons

12/25/22 AM - Guest Speaker:  Jesse Flowers - The Lord of the Storm; PM - Jehosphaphat: A Good King with Bad Friends

1/1/23 AM - The First Day; PM - Worship in Song: Congregational Choice of Songs

1/8/23 AM - “Behold, I Make All Things New”; PM - Tychicus the Faithful Minister

1/15/23 AM - What Can Be Accomplished in a Three Year Ministry?; PM - Deborah Stepped Forward

1/22/23 AM - The Sermon of Sermons; PM - Accepting the Challenges of a New Year

1/29/23 AM - Decisive Indecision; PM - Guest Speaker: Doug Sanders - The Valley of Dry Bones

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