

Beatitudes for Teachers

Beatitudes for Teachers

Blessed are the teachers who set a good example before their students in all things: for they are worthy members of a great calling.

Blessed are the teachers who know their subject: for their students shall learn much.

Blessed are the teachers who share with their students that which they have learned: for this is the true nature of teaching.

Blessed are the teachers who strive to understand their students: for they will be able to comfort and guide them.

Blessed are the teachers who make provision for differences in individuals: for their students will rise up and praise them for their understanding.

Blessed are the teachers who make their work interesting and profitable: for they shall attract many into their classes.

Blessed are the teachers who exhibit self-control: for they shall influence their students to do likewise

Blessed are the teachers who plan their work wisely: for their students shall be led to more successful understandings.

Blessed are the teachers who maintain good classroom order: for they are leading their students toward self-discipline.

Blessed are the teachers who are fair and impartial in evaluating students’ work: for they shall enjoy the respect and loyalty of their students.

Blessed are the teachers who accept criticism constructively: for they shall improve their efficiency and their personality.

Blessed are the teachers who work cooperatively with their associates: for they shall be worthy of recommendation.

Blessed are the teachers who hunger and thirst after learning: for they shall broaden their own perspective of teaching.

Blessed art thou, teacher, though your reward may seem small, and some may criticize you, and rebuke you, and say all manner of discouraging things to you — Rejoice; and be exceeding glad: for yours is a great work! (Author Unknown)

An Invitation Created from Song Titles

            "A Beautiful Life" was given to me by the "God of Our Fathers". He gave me a mother and father who cared for me "Softly and Tenderly." "In My Father's House" I learned that "God is so Good." They wanted to "Give Me the Bible." "In the Hush of the Morning" we had a "Sweet Hour of Prayer," and in the "Sunlight" I saw "All Things Bright and Beautiful." I did "Consider the Lilies of the Field," "Down in the Valley." "One Day" "Stepping in the Light," I heard "Even Winds Whisper His Name." I found "Peace in the Valley." My mother taught me to "Sing and Be Happy," while my father taught me to "Praise Him, Praise Him." They taught me that "It Pays to Serve Jesus" and that "Jesus Loves Me." We went to "The Church in the Wildwood," I lived in the "Paradise Valley" and had "Peace, Perfect Peace" as a child.

            But with the "Sands of Time," I grew into a younger man. I was soon full of "Angry Words" and I wanted to "Flee As a Bird." One "Silent Night,” "I Traveled Down a Lonely Road." "Farther Along" as I was "Walking Alone at Eve," it started to rain. I sought "Shelter in the Time of Storm." But I soon realized "I am a Stranger Here." "In Sorrow I Wandered", "Drifting Along", and soon "I was Sinking Deep in Sin." "Years I Spent in Vanity" and had "Trials Dark on Every Hand." "In the Desert of Sorrow and Sin", "I Saw the Light" and "He Leadeth Me” to "The Old Rugged Cross." I was "Washed in the Blood" and "All to Jesus I Surrender." Through "Amazing Grace" I found the "Rock of Ages."

            You see, "Jesus Paid it All" "On the Cross of Calvary" that "I Might Be Redeemed." "There is Power in the Blood", "Worthy is the Lamb." "Hallelujah, What a Savior!" Now, "I'll Never Forsake My Lord." He's "A Wonderful Savior" to me. "I'm Not Afraid" for "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" and that I am "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." I am a "New Creature" "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms." "Under His Wings" I will return home to have "Peace Like a River."

            I will "Reach Out" to my parents and ask them to forgive me. "Bind Us Together Lord," "God's Family. You know, I will now "Ring Out the Message" and tell others to "Listen to the Wondrous Story." "Pass it On" and "Tell Them of Jesus." If you are lost in sin, "Why do You Wait, Dear Brother?" It is "Only a Step." "Yield Not to Temptation." "Why Keep Jesus Waiting," "Will You Come?" (via Bulletin Digest)

A Moments Wisdom

--A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child.

--One important way for us to help our children grow up is for us to grow up first.

--Children are natural mimics: they act like their parents in spite of every effort to teach them good manners. Our children are the only earthly possessions that we should want to take with us to heaven.

--He that offers God second place in his life, offers Him no place at all.

--When commitment and hope team up together, much can be endured and accomplished. Commitment pushes you from the past, hope pulls you from the future. (Steve Melton)

Upcoming Sermons

4/17/22 AM - On Begging Christians to Remain Christians; PM - Habakkuk: From Sorrow to Singing

4/24/22 AM - “They Which Are Alive and Remain”; PM - Don’t Assume

5/1/22 AM - A World without Jesus; PM - Singing Service: Congregational Choice of Songs

5/8/22 AM - The Name Above Every Name; PM - Othniel, the Lion of God

5/15/22 AM - What You and the Local Church Should Ask Each Other; PM - Seven Social Sins

5/22/22 AM - Leaving the Manger; PM - Titus, the True Son

5/29/22 AM - Some Surprising Scriptures; PM - “He Shuts Out My Prayer!”

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    1/22/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    1/26/25 09:30am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    1/26/25 10:30am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    1/26/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/29/25 07:00pm
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