

The A to Z of Knowing God the Son

The A to Z of Knowing God the Son

(Author Unknown)

            You are the… Author and Finisher of my faith, the Alpha and Omega, the Anointed Son of God, the Advocate with the Father, and the Anchor of my soul.

            You are the… Bread of Life, the Bright and Morning Star, the Beginning and the End, the Beloved of the Father, the Bridegroom of the Church, and the Bishop of my soul.

            You are the. . . Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the Chief Shepherd, the Cornerstone of the Church, the Captain of my Salvation, and the Comforter of my soul.

            You are the. . . Door of Salvation, the Desire of all Nations, the Dayspring from on High, the Diadem of Beauty, the Deliverer of Evil, and the Defender of my soul.

            You are the. . . Ensign for all Nations, the Everlasting Light, and the Eternal Life of my soul.

            You are the. . . Fountain of Life, the Firstborn of many brethren, the Friend that sticks closer than a Brother, the Faithful and True Witness, and the Fortress of my soul.

            You are the. . . Good Shepherd that giveth His Life for His Sheep, the Great High Priest, the Governor among the Nations, the God of Righteousness, and the Guardian of my soul.

            You are the. . . Head over all Principalities and Powers, the Holy Son of God, the Head of Church, the Helper of the Fatherless, and the Healer of my soul.

            You are the. . . Image of the Invisible God, the I AM of all Ages, the Immanuel, the Immortal God, and the Inheritance of my soul.

            You are the. . . Judge of all the Earth, the Justifier of all those who trust you, and the Just One.

            You are the. . . King of kings, the King of Glory, the King Eternal, the Key of Knowledge, and the Kind Shepherd of my soul.

            You are the. . . Lord of lords the Lamb of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lily of the Valley, and the Light of my soul.

            You are the. . . Mediator of the New Covenant, the Man of Sorrows, the Messiah, the Merciful Savior, and the Maker of my soul.

            You are the. . . Name above every name, the New and Living Way to God, the Nazarene, and the Never-Failing Guide of my soul.

            You are the. . . Only Begotten of the Father, the Only Mediator between God and Man, the Only Wise God, and the Offering for my soul.

            You are the. . . Prince of Peace, the Priest of the Most High God, and the Physician of my soul.

            You are the. . . Quickening Spirit for the Believer, the Quiet Place to those who seek Your Face, the Qualified Opener of Books, and the Quest of my soul.

            You are the. . . Resurrection and the Life, the Rock of my Salvation, the Redeemer, the Rose of Sharon, and the Refuge of my soul.

            You are the. . . Stone which the builders rejected, the Sure Foundation, the Son of the Living God, the Shield of our Salvation, and the Strength of my soul.

            You are the. . . Tower of Salvation, the Truth, the True Bread from Heaven, the True Light of the world, and the Teacher of my soul.

            You are the. . . Undefiled Son of God, the Incorruptible One from Heaven, the Unchangeable Friend, the Upholder of my soul.

            You are the. . . Vine of all the Branches, the Very Present Help in time of need, and the Vision of my soul.

            You are the. . . Way, the Wisdom of God, the Word of God, the Wonderful Counselor, the Worthy Lamb, the Well-Beloved of my soul.

            You are the. . . X-Bearer (cross-bearer) of my sin.

            You are the. . . Yeshua (Savior) for all humankind.

            You are the. . . Zealous Fulfiller of all Righteousness.

The Greatest Of These Is Love

By Dee Bowman       

            “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails… And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1Cor. 13:1-8, 13).

            Love is the divine energy. Love is the supreme motive. Love is the instigator of grace, the reason for mercy, the essence of God Himself. In this great chapter on love Paul tells us its abiding attributes and thus shows us its necessity. Even miraculous deeds, if not done in the spirit of love, have an empty, clanging sound. They are not melodious if they aren’t motivated by love.

            The worthlessness of benevolent deeds done without love is much the same. They have no real value unless prompted by love. He says no matter what or how much you do, if it is not properly motivated, it is worthless and vain. Even if a man gives his life for some cause, if it is not done of love, he wasted himself, for without love such is little more than a prideful effort.

            He then tells how love, if it were a person, would act. He says love suffers long, that it is kind. Love, he says, doesn’t have envious feelings and has no desire to parade itself; and love is not inflated with its own worth. Love, he says, will not behave rudely, and does not seek its own, but the good of others. It is not easily disturbed, thinks only good, bears, believes, hopes and endures all things. Look again at that list of attributes. Look carefully. Do you not see that you have just described Jesus Christ? He is the personification of Love.

Test Your Bible Knowledge of the Epistles of Paul

1. The church here started with a dye merchant and prison warden. __________

2. The church here was in the empire capital city. __________

3. These epistles were written to Paul’s young protégé. __________

4. This epistle was written about a runaway slave. __________

5. Paul had to write two epistles to correct and instruct us. __________

6. Paul was impressed with how quickly we embraced the Gospel. __________

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