

Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

By Bob Waldron

            Much of God's covenant with Israel of old dealt with human relations. Various and sundry laws pointed out how the Jew was to conduct himself among his peers. One of these admonitions was, "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil" (Ex. 23:2). This was a very important decree; it showed the danger of peer pressure and pointed out very explicitly the dangers of being led astray by evil men. Peer pressure was an important factor in their lives; it has been from that time to the present. And perhaps as never before, peer pressure is an issue we have to wrestle with.

            A leading educator noted that peer pressure is the strongest influence exerted on young people today. He stated that in most cases it is twice as strong as the influence of home and family, and yields a far greater influence than religion. I share this educator's convictions. All young people want to be accepted by their peers. And if to do so means disobeying parents and selling out personal convictions, some are willing to do so just to be a part of the bunch. In dealing with young folks and their problem of peer pressure, we often quote and expound on 1 Corinthians 15:33 -- "Evil companionships corrupt good morals." I contend this is a very important verse dealing with this subject. This admonition does caution against the dangers of peer pressure being exerted by those who are void of spiritual convictions and virtues. Let us continue to warn our young people of the dangers of their associates that rob them of their virtues.

            But is all peer pressure centered in young people? Does this pressure cease when we become adults? Well, certainly at all stages of life there are peer pressures put on us by those with whom we mix and mingle day by day. The Bible is not silent on this matter. Men and women of God have always faced immense pressures in dealing with their peers. And when God has spoken, He has always done so with a stern warning against letting our associates rob us of our moral integrity.

            One of the most striking examples of this occurred in the life of Peter. Peter is one of our favorite Bible characters. He was truly one of Christ's most ardent followers. We hear him saying, "Even if I must die with thee, yet I will not deny thee" (Matt. 26:25). We hear him declare, "Lord, with thee I am ready to go both to prison and death" (Luke 22:33). But on that fateful night of the arrest and mock trial of the Lord, Peter "followed afar off" (Matt. 26:53); he stood with the wrong crowd, the enemies of the Lord (Matt. 26:69). And upon being asked of his allegiance to Christ, he cursed, swore, and denied that he even knew Him (Matt. 26:69-74). Peter, when alone in a crowd of unbelievers who were the enemies of Christ, relented to peer pressure.

            What a lesson for the Christian today. I contend that when we are alone, with the wrong crowd, those with no regard for the Lord nor spiritual values, we are at the most vulnerable moment of our spiritual life. And so often, like Peter, the pressures from our peers lead to our downfall.

            There are numerous other examples in the New Testament on this subject. Peer pressure played a leading role in the rejection of Christ by the rulers of the synagogue (John 12:42, 43). The Scriptures tell us they believed on Him, "but because of the

Pharisees they did not confess it, lest they should be put out of the synagogue. For they loved the glory that is of men more than the glory that is of God."

            Likewise, peer pressure was the deciding factor in the heinous crime of Herod (Matt. 14:1-12; Mark 6:23). Herod feared and respected John, but his oath, along with "them that sat at meat with him" (his peers) prevented him from backing down on his promise, and resulted in the vile deed of having John the Baptist put to death. In this we see the influence and power of wicked men and the insidiousness of peer pressure.

            But there is another side of the coin of peer pressure. Not all the characters of the Bible collapsed under the pressure of their associates. Many stood, often alone, in the face of severe pressures put on them by others.

            Let us ever be aware of the immense pressures put on us by our peers, especially those with no regard for God and spiritual values. And let us profit from the mistakes others made and redouble our efforts to not yield to these peer pressures as they did. (Via The Bulletin of the Church of Christ at New Georgia, February 24, 2008)

Church Signs

Try Jesus. If you don’t like Him, the Devil will take you back.

The best thing to spend on your children is time.

Every saint has a past; every sinner has a future.

Lord, keep your arm around my shoulders and your hand across my mouth.

Eternity: will that be smoking or non-smoking?

A Bible that’s falling apart often belongs to someone who isn’t.

The tongue weighs next to nothing, but few can hold it.

When things go wrong, don’t go wrong with them.

One little word can save you a lot of trouble: it’s “no.”

Life stinks. We have a pew for you.

Dust on your Bible can lead to dirt in your life.

Do some math; count your blessings.

We are too blessed to be depressed.

“Stop, drop, and roll” won’t work in hell.

Judging others leaves little time to love them.

Swallow your pride; it contains no calories.

For a healthy heart, exercise your faith.

Tomorrow’s forecast: God reigns and the Son shines!

An evil conscience cannot be cured by medicine.

A Christian cannot be a blank. He is either a blessing or a blot.

What a man possesses is not nearly as important as what possesses him.

Two people cannot hate each other if they both love God.

It’s what we learn after we know it all that really counts.

He who stands high in his own estimation is still a long way from the top.

When it comes to giving, some people stop at nothing.

Godly talk does not always imply a godly walk, but it should.

Test Your Bible Knowledge of Aging

(See Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 for answers)

1. What are the “keepers of the house”? __________

2. What are the “grinders”? __________

3. What are “those who look through the windows”? __________

4. What is the meaning of “one rises at the sound of a bird”? __________

5. What are the “daughters of music”? __________

6. What is “the grasshopper is a burden”? __________

Upcoming Sermons

7/19/20 AM - What to Do When God Says “No”

            PM - How Can a Loving God Allow Evil to Exist?

7/26/20 AM - Why Do We Love the Lost?

            PM - Living with Gomer

8/2/20   AM - The Idol of Safety

            PM - “As We Sing Here On Earth” (A Sermon in Song)

8/9/20   AM - Comfort from the Second Coming of the Lord (Part One)

            PM - Comfort from the Second Coming of the Lord (Conclusion)

8/16/20 AM - An Unhealthy Fear of God

            PM - Job’s Exposé of Satan

8/23/20 AM - God’s Will Be Done (Part One)

            PM - God’s Will Be Done (Conclusion)

8/30/20 AM - “In His Time”

            PM - Stumbling in Only One Point of Law (Requested)

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    1/26/25 10:30am
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    1/29/25 07:00pm
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