

A Sermon Never Forgotten

A Sermon Never Forgotten

            Throughout the years I have heard many wonderful sermons which I have forgotten, but one sermon have I seen, and it has remained in my heart until this day. It happened on a Sunday morning when I was on my way to one of the two small congregations in Munich, Germany, on a cold, rainy day in November.

            After I got out of bed, I looked through the window which was covered with ice ferns. New deep snow had fallen during the night covering the streets of the city. I tried to decide whether I should go to worship or stay home and read my Bible.

            I realized the congregation would miss me, for I was the only song leader they had. On the other hand I would have to walk a half block to catch the bus to the building. Finally I decided to go but only because I must lead the singing.

            While I was riding the bus, I noticed two people trying hard to make their path through the snow. I recognized the people and knew where they were going. They were Brother and Sister Trollman, a faithful couple who attended every service. Brother Trollman was a man in his eighties who had lost his eyesight. His only guidance was his seventy-eight year old wife, who was lame in one foot. They lived in a little two room apartment, and received a little support from the government. Because they could not afford to ride the bus to the services, which were about three miles away, they walked the distance every Lord's Day.

            Here I was sitting in a warm bus, unwilling to go to worship, forced by my duty as a song leader, and there, outside in the cold weather, were two old people driven to worship by their love for the Lord.

            I was not able to do anything but blush, ashamed of myself and the weak faith and love I had proved to my Lord. I felt like an evildoer in court being judged by his own conscience. This old couple without their knowledge and without one word had taught me a greater lesson than could ever be said in words. (An American G.I. “The Power Of An Example,” The Lehman Avenue Weekly Communicator, Feb. 4, 1987)  


The Strength of a Man

The strength of a man isn’t seen in the width of his shoulders; it’s seen in the width of his arms that encircle you.

The strength of a man isn’t in the deep tone of his voice; it’s in the gentleness of his words.

The strength of a man isn’t in how many buddies he has; it’s in how good of a buddy he is to his own children.

The strength of a man isn’t in how respected he is at work; it’s in how respected he is at home.

The strength of a man isn’t in how hard he can hit; it’s in how tender he touches.

The strength of a man isn’t in the hair on his chest; it’s in the heart that lies within his chest.

The strength of a man isn’t in how he is loved by women; it’s in how he can be true to only one woman.

The strength of a man isn’t in the amount of weight he can lift; it’s in the number of burdens he can carry. (Author Unknown)


He was going to be all he wanted to be tomorrow

No one would be kinder than he tomorrow

A friend who was troubled and weary he knew

Who’d be glad of a lift, and he needed it too.

On him he would call and see what he could do, Tomorrow

Each morning he’d stack all the letters he’d write, Tomorrow

And thought of the folks he’d fill with delight, Tomorrow

It was too bad, indeed, he was busy today,

And he hadn’t a minute to stop on his way;

“More time I will have to give others,” he’d say, Tomorrow

The greatest of workers this man would have been, Tomorrow;

The world would have known him had he ever seen, Tomorrow.

But, in fact he passed on, and he faded from view,

And all that he left here when living was through

Was a mountain of things he’d intended to do, Tomorrow

(Via The Bulletin edited by J. Clyde Strickland, Savanna, OK)

The Land Of Pretty Soon

I know a land where the streets are paved

With things we meant to achieve;

Walled with money we meant to have saved

And the pleasures for which we grieve,

Kind words unspoken, promises broken,

And many a coveted boon

Are gathered there in that land somewhere,

The Land of Pretty Soon.


There uncut jewels of possible fame

Are lying about in the dust,

And many a noble and lofty aim

Are covered with mold and rust.

And, oh, this place, while it seems so near,

Is farther away than the moon;

Though purpose is fair, we'll not get there—

To the Land of Pretty Soon.


The road that leads to that mystic land

Is strewn with pitiful wrecks,

The ships that sailed for its shining strand

Bear skeletons on their decks.

It's farther at noon than it was at dawn,

And farther at night than noon;

Oh, let us beware of that land down there

The Land of Pretty Soon.

Test Your Bible Knowledge of Books of Law

1. This book is the second reading of the Law_____

2. This book is written for the priests_____

3. This book counts the children of Israel_____

4. This book tells of the beginning_____

5. This book speaks of the journey out of Egypt_____


Upcoming Sermons

6/21/20 AM - “Is My Name Written There?”; PM - The Bones of the Prophet

6/28/20 AM - “When for Deeper Faith I Seek”; PM - Out of the Tombs and Into the Light

7/5/20 AM - “Behold, All Souls are Mine”; PM - “Did You Think to Pray?” (Sermon in Song)

7/12/20 AM - “When for Deeper Faith I Seek”; PM - God Will “Take Care” of the Wicked

7/19/20 AM - What to Do When God Says “No”; PM - How Can a Loving God Allow Evil to Exist?

7/26/20 AM - Why Do We Love the Lost?; PM - Living with Gomer

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    2/2/25 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/2/25 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  4. 1st Sun Eve Singing
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/5/25 07:00pm
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