

God's Grand Play

God’s Grand Play

By Steve Melton

We are all main actors, in God’s worldwide play.

What is unusual, we get to choose our role, and even the script to say.

God is our director, as He works behind the scene.

His presence is so grand; He chooses not to be seen.


Our character in this play is essential, and one of our own choosing.

We love, have hardship and drama, and sometimes are amusing.

The life and attitude we play, is one of our own discretion.

God weaves the script together and give it unity and direction.


When the last act is performed and the curtain falls around,

Will we have been the villain or the hero?

It will be typecast forever bound! (11/30/19)

A Gentle, Firm Admonishment

By Paul R. Blake

            We constitute the Trilacoochee church of Christ. We have chosen to work together in the same harvest fields as well as in the same foxholes. The works we do, the triumphs we share, and even the mistakes that we make are our own to carry, build on, or correct. This is the nature of local church autonomy; we are self-governing under the leadership of Jesus Christ. We have no organization larger than the local church.

            Therefore, those who have moved from here and those who have decided to be members elsewhere have chosen not to share with us in this work. Consequently, they have no voice in this congregation, nor should they find welcoming ears among the members here. I strongly recommend that when someone criticizes the work at Trilacoochee that we do not give them an ear to talk to. And if they insist that we listen, our answer should be that they can come and share with us in this work, or they can keep their focus on their own local congregation. Unsolicited advice from members elsewhere is a euphemism for meddling. We are laboring to please the God and glorify His Son at Trilacoochee. We have plenty to do to fulfill that mission; we don’t need to worry about what others may think or say about our efforts to accomplish that.

            Likewise with members here who have an issue with another disciple or with how matters are conducted in this place. Such persons, uncomfortable with directly addressing the fellow Christians involved, will often seek a go-between to handle the matter for them. The New Testament pattern established by the Lord is that they are responsible to do so themselves. “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.' And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector” (Matt. 18:15-17).

            When approached, gently inform them that you will not speak for them, and that they are responsible to address their concerns directly to the person with whom they have an issue. I have often made the mistake of allowing myself to be a go between on behalf of another. And other well-meaning brethren here have done the same. Let this practice end today. Let’s all resolve to do this the Lord’s way.

            It is greatly encouraging to share with all of you in this work. The willingness with which we all work, the deep and tender affection we share with one another, the common love we have for the precious word of God, and the growth and progress we have experienced by the grace of God will serve to carry us through whatever obstacles the Adversary raises against us. May the Lord richly bless the Trilacoochee church of Christ!

Ten Little Christians

Ten little Christians standing in line,

One disliked the preacher, and then there were nine.

Nine little Christians stayed up very late,

One overslept Sunday, and then there were eight.

Eight little Christians on the road to Heaven,

One took the broad way and then there were seven.

Seven little Christians chirping just like chicks,

One disliked the singing, and then there were six.

Six little Christians seemed very much alive,

But one lost his interest and then there were five.

Five little Christians pulling for Heaven's Shore,

But one stopped to rest; and then there were four.

Four little Christians, each busy as a bee,

One got his feelings hurt, and then there were three.

Three little Christians knew not what they should do,

One joined the trendy crowd, and then there were two.

Two little Christians, our rhyme is nearly done,

Differed with each other, and then there was one.

One little Christian can't do much it's true;

Brought his friend to Bible study, and then there were two.

Earnest little Christians, each had won one more,

That doubled their number, and then there were four.

Four sincere Christians worked early and worked late,

Each won another, and then there were eight.

Eight eager Christians, if they doubled as before,

In just so many Sundays, They’d have 1,024.

In this little jingle, there is a lesson true;

You belong either to the building up, or to the wrecking crew.

(Author Unknown)

Test Your Bible Knowledge of Minor Prophets

1. I was a farmer before I was called to be a prophet __________.

2. I wrote a book of prophecy with only one chapter __________.

3. I was married to an unfaithful wife named Gomer __________.

4. I spent three days inside a fish before going to prophesy __________.

5. I had to rebuke Judah to get them to rebuild the temple __________.

6. My name means “messenger” or “angel” __________.

“God, who is cooking the soup, has not left the kitchen.” (African proverb)

Upcoming Sermons

2/16/20 AM - Praise: From Seed to Fruit

             PM - “And the Children of Israel No Longer Had Manna”

2/23/20 AM - How to Enjoy Our Salvation

             PM - What Does the Bible Teach about Christians and Self Defense? Part One

3/1/20   AM - Barnabas’ Edifying Expositions

             PM - Singing Service: Congregational Choice

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/2/25 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/2/25 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  4. 1st Sun Eve Singing
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/5/25 07:00pm
  6. View Full Calendar