


And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren -Romans 8:28-29

     If we could choose the number of difficulties we experience in a month, most of us would pick zero. Yet God sees value in troublesome times. Through His mighty power, He uses trials to achieve His plans. One of the most difficult parts of the Christian life is the fact that becoming a disciple of Christ does not make us immune to life’s trials and tribulations. As in all things, God’s ultimate purpose for us is to grow more and more into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). This is the goal of the Christian, and everything in life, including the trials and tribulations, is designed to enable us to reach that goal.

     One of the Lord’s purposes for us is a growing intimacy in our relationship with Him. However, He knows we struggle to put Him first over our own interests. Many of us place a higher priority on family and friends than on companionship with God. For others, finances, work, or even pleasures interfere. When the Lord sees our attention is drifting away from Him, He might allow hardships to draw us back so that we’ll give Him His proper place.

     Another reason God may allow difficulties is to conform us to the image of His Son Jesus Christ. Pain is often a tool that brings areas of ungodliness to the surface; God also uses it to sift, shape, and prune us. The sanctification process – the building of Christ-like character into our lives – starts at salvation and ends with our last breath.

     The third aim for stressful circumstances is to reveal true convictions. Our faith is tested in tough times. We all know! It’s easy to say “God is good” when things are peaceful. However, when everything goes askew, what do we believe about Him? At such times, do our words and actions reveal an attitude of trust?

     King David endured much heartache – a disintegrating family, personal attacks, and betrayal by those close to him. However, through trials, he gained deeper intimacy with God, stronger faith, and more godly character. Whatever Goliath stands before us, I pray that we allow the Lord to use our situation to accomplish His good purpose.

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/2/25 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/2/25 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  4. 1st Sun Eve Singing
    2/2/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/5/25 07:00pm
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