What Does Spiritual Maturity Mean To Us?
It was the Lord who said, “you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48) We are not expected to have God-like perfection, but that we grow toward that perfection, become mature… perfect. The Greek word for “perfect” is “teleios.” The idea is that we must grow up! We must close the gap between who we are and who God would have us be. Teleios speaks of the difference between a man and a child. Question… What does Biblical maturity mean to us?
- Maturity is the ability to control our anger and settle our differences without violence, without spreading the hurt to third parties with gossip and character assassination.
- Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasant moments, life’s frustrations, discomfort, and defeat without complaint or collapse.
- Maturity is the ability to make a decision and then stand by and apply that conviction to life. The immature spend their lives exploring endless possibilities; then do nothing about any of them. Choose right, and then do it!!
- Maturity is the art of living in peace with that which we cannot or should not change. It is learning to be content with what we have.
- Maturity is being able to judge self, seeing ourselves as we really are in light of what we should be. It’s being tolerant of those who are different from us, yet being intolerant of our own sins, faults, and shortcomings.
- Maturity is confession, being big enough to say, “I was wrong.” And, when right, maturity has no need to become self-righteous.
- Maturity is patience; being willing to pass up immediate pleasure in favor of the long-term good.
- Maturity is responding to the needs of others, often at the expense of our own desires or wishes. It’s placing the interest of others before our own.
- Maturity is dependability, showing up, always keeping our word in the time of crisis. The immature are masters of the alibi and excuse!
- Maturity is humility. It is taking on the nature of a servant, willing to wash feet – even the feet of those who are against us, those we know will betray and deny us.
- Maturity is being comfortable in our own skin. No, we’re not satisfied with who we are until we are like Jesus. Always trying to be somebody else is an ugly way to live.
- Maturity is being able to see the good in others, and in our circumstances and situation. Always searching for the negative and being judgmental of others speaks volumes about our immaturity.
- Maturity is resting in God’s grace, being assured of our forgiveness and salvation if we are obedient to His will.
Paul speaks of spiritual maturity in Philippians, “Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect [teleios], but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus”. (Phil. 3:12) We must learn to deal with our indifference and apathy and press forward and upward.
With brotherly affection,