

Burning Bridges

Burning Bridges

By Kenneth J. Fleeman, January 2008

            Bridges are marvelous devices which connect isolated land masses. They provide safe passage over uncertain waters. A bridge can be as simple as a fallen tree or rough sawn plank over which a narrow stream may be crossed. Others are more elaborate spanning countless miles of open water. My favorite bridge was the swinging bridge crossing Archer’s Fork near my great-grandparent’s home. Archer’s Fork was only ankle deep most of the time but come spring that rickety foot bridge was the only access for days, sometimes weeks, at a time.

            It has long been sound military strategy to isolate an enemy by destroying infrastructure. Bridges are often targeted as they provide extremely limited means of access. When supply routes are cut off it is only a matter of time until the enemy is subdued. We would do well to employ the same strategy in our war against Satan. Burning the “bridges” to our past behaviors will help us isolate and subdue our passions. All links to our life of sin must be severed. Old acquaintances, old haunts and old habits are all bridges which we must “burn” in order to start down and remain on the narrow pathway (Matt. 16:24, 19:29; Col. 3:5).

            Burning bridges may also be employed as a defensive strategy. I worked a number of years ago for a supervisor who was fond of saying “We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.” In the business setting it was a humorous way of saying that we would nip a particular issue “in the bud” before it could blossom into a crisis. The problem with burning a bridge prior to crossing is that there will eventually come the day when the bridge is needed. The fault for its absence will then be our own. It is a sign of desperation indeed that one would destroy a necessary resource thinking we will keep the enemy at bay. Every time we sever a vital link to our salvation we become weaker. We play into Satan’s hands when we apply his own tactics!

            Despite this knowledge Christians routinely burn the very bridges that provide direct access to Heaven while Satan prowls incessantly in anticipation (1Peter 5:8). Prayer, study and worship are forsaken (James 5:14; 1Peter 3:12; 2Tim. 2:15; Heb. 2:1-3, 10:25). Profitable relationships with fellow Christians are neglected and severed (Rom. 12:10; 1Cor. 12:18-26). Faith wanes and the spirit dies, only to awaken in torment. Friends, no bridge spans that great gulf (Luke 16:26).

Pursuing Trinkets or True Treasure?

By W. Frank Walton

            “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had, and bought it” (Matt. 13:45-46, HCSB). During the holiday season of gift-giving, we must be reminded what is the greatest thing a person can obtain? Are we living our lives in search of trinkets or the true treasure?

            It was shocking to hear that on the big sale day after Thanksgiving, a Walmart employee (34 year old Jdimytai Damour) in New York was trampled to death by 2,000 shoppers when the doors opened at 5 am. They stampeded into the store to buy heavily discounted items like a 50” Plasma HD TV ($768), a 10 mega pixel digital camera ($69), vacuum cleaners and microwaves ($29), and recently released DVD movies ($9). When fellow employees tried to save Mr. Damour, they were also aggressively jostled by the mob. Even worse, when the store closed for several hours and shoppers were asked to leave due to the tragedy, many bargain hunters complained that they had waited in line since the prior day or that they came to have fun shopping and not be bothered by someone dying. How sad!

            I confess, I was at the local Huntsville Walmart at 5:05 am, after the main mob had entered the store. I grabbed a disabled cart (all the good ones had been taken) and pressed back to electronics to look at a TV. It was so crowded and impossible to get any employee to help, that I soon left. Someone told me that she had a friend shopping at the Madison Walmart that managed to get the last $69 10 mega pixel digital camera, but someone cut her and grabbed it from her. All for some transient trinket!

            Yet, do we more earnestly seek for the far greater treasure found in the Son of God?? In Christ alone “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3 NASB). He is “Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him” (Rom. 10:12). This faith is “precious” and “unfathomable” (2Peter 1:1; Eph. 3:8). So, Jesus Christ must be valued above all or not at all! We live life only once, and the eternal life that Jesus gives is truly the bargain of eternity.

            It is not enough for us to have a good opinion of Jesus and then give Him lip-service (Matt. 7:21). Many who sing, “Oh, come let us adore Him,” then ignore obeying Him the rest of the year. Jesus is the ultimate treasure, the greatest good of the soul, the priceless pearl to invest our lives in forever. We must value Him supremely, in order to “strive to enter the narrow door,” because Jesus said, “many…will seek to enter and will not be able” (Luke 13:24). This spiritual pursuit is worth it all.

Church Signs

  • Try Jesus. If you don’t like Him, the Devil will take you back.
  • The best thing to spend on your children is time.
  • Every saint has a past; every sinner has a future.
  • Lord, keep your arm around my shoulders and your hand across my mouth.
  • Eternity: will that be smoking or non-smoking?
  • A Bible that’s falling apart often belongs to someone who isn’t.
  • The tongue weighs next to nothing, but few can hold it.
  • When things go wrong, don’t go wrong with them.
  • One little word can save you a lot of trouble: it’s “no.”
  • Life stinks. We have a pew for you.
  • Dust on your Bible can lead to dirt in your life.
  • Do some math; count your blessings.
  • We are too blessed to be depressed.
  • “Stop, drop, and roll” won’t work in hell.
  • Judging others leaves little time to love them.
  • Swallow your pride; it contains no calories.
  • For a healthy heart, exercise your faith.
  • Tomorrow’s forecast: God reigns and the Son shines!
  • Multitudes are making a good living, but not good lives.
  • A smile is a curve that can help set things straight.
  • The world is moved by men who cannot be moved by the world.

Upcoming Sermons

12/22/24 AM - Guest Speaker: Jesse Flowers; PM - Guest Speaker: Haden Black

12/29/24 AM - Guest Speakers: Isaac Hall; PM - Doug Sanders - Where Did They Come From?

1/5/25 AM - “All Things are Ready; Come to the Feast!”; PM - Worship in Song: Choice of Songs

1/12/25 AM - Agents of Salvation; PM - Growing Up With Tares

1/19/25 AM - “Just Don’t Tell the Preacher”; PM - Discerning the Will of God

1/26/25 AM - Unbelievers and Judgment Day; PM - Bridging the Generation Gap in churches of Christ

  1. Wed PM Bible Study
    3/12/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:30am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    3/16/25 10:30am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    3/16/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:00pm
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