

Where Did You Get Faith?

Where Did You Get Faith?

By Richard Thetford

            I can't help but wonder with so many religious bodies in the world today "how did one get their faith?" Does one practice their religion and belong to their respective church because their parents did? Or is it because their best friend, neighbor, or a relative attends there? Often times this is the case. In many cases one cannot even explain to another why they believe the things they practice in their particular religion. So, where did one gain their faith? Did your faith come from the Bible, or was it passed down to you? The inspired word of God tells us that "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). The only way one can gain Bible faith is by listening to what God has said. And the only way one can listen to what God has said is to READ His word! The Hebrew writer tells us: "without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Heb. 11:6). We learn what God has said through His word, which gives us Bible Faith! Are you practicing your religion by faith in God or faith in man?


The “Yes” Of Faith

            A woman came up to the preacher after hearing him preach that baptism is Christ demands a change of life; she said that she could not understand salvation.

            The preacher asked, "Mrs. Franklin, how long have you been 'Mrs. Franklin'?"

            "Why, ever since I was married," she replied.

            "And how did you become 'Mrs. Franklin'?" he asked.

            "Why, when the minister asked, 'Will you have this man to be your wedded husband until death do you part,' I just said 'Yes!" she answered.

            "You didn't say, 'I hope so!' or 'I'll try to!" asked the preacher.

            "No," she replied, "I just said 'Yes!"

            The preacher then, pointing her to God's word, said, "God is asking you if you will obey His Son, and what do you say to that?"

            Her face lit up and she said, "Why, how simple that is." Isn't it strange that I didn't say 'Yes!' long ago?"

            That is simple faith the Bible calls for -- for you to say "Yes!" God will receive you as long as you walk by faith with a "Yes" in obedience to the authority of His word.


Deep Roots

            Have you ever tried to remove a tree or stump from your yard? How about something as simple as a big bush? Where I grew up in California, a quarter of our front yard was full of Junipers. We decided to replace them with a lawn and I still remember how much work was involved for that to be accomplished. Even with shovels, and axe, lots of rope and a half-ton pickup, it was still a whole lot of work! Who would have thought it would be so difficult? I sure did not. Strong, deep roots had anchored those bushes firmly in the ground.

            In the Bible, godly people are often likened to trees with strong deep roots (Psalm 1:3; Prov. 12:3; Jer. 17:7, 8). The branches of growing trees not only reach higher, but their roots grow deeper. It's impossible for a strong tree to have high branches without having deep roots. It would become top-heavy and topple over in the wind. The same is true with Christians. It's not possible for us to grow in our faith in the Lord without interweaving our roots around His Word and deepening our life in His instructions.

            Would you like to be a tall, immovable tree? That comes only through a life of Bible study, discipline, and faith -- conditions that produce deep roots. (Shane Williams The Lilbourn Light, Vol. 7, No. 9, Jan. 2007)

The Works of the Flesh All Start With the Letter “I”

            Perhaps you are questioning my spelling ability; nevertheless, these points can be gathered from Galatians 5:19-21:

            Adultery: “I” want to be with someone else.

            Fornication: “I” can’t wait for marriage

            Uncleanness: “I” want to do what I want to do

            Lewdness: “I” have my own moral standard

            Idolatry: “I” have my own god

            Sorcery: “I” can find my own power

            Hatred: “I” don’t have to like everyone

            Contentions: “I” must have my way

            Jealousies: “I” wish I had the attention you receive

            Outbursts of wrath: “I” have the right to get even

            Selfish Ambition: “I” look out for me

            Dissensions: “I” have a different opinion; who’s with me?

            Heresies: “I” know a better way

            Envy: “I” hate that you have what you have

            Murder: “I” want you out of my way

            Drunkenness: “I” am in control          

            Revelries: “I” like to party

            And the like: “I”, “I”, “I”… (T. Sean Sullivan)

A Moments Wisdom

--A ship with no set course will never find a favorable wind.

--A kind deed often does more good than a large gift.

--Stop obsessing over the end of “this” and just enjoy the “this” while it still is.

Test Your Bible Knowledge of the Psalms

1. This Psalm is David’s happy song of confession __________

2. This Psalm is David’s sad song of confession __________

3. This Psalm is Asaph’s confession of having doubts __________

4. This Psalm is called “The Prayer of Moses” __________

5. Name three Psalms that have been made into contemporary hymns _____, _____, _____

6. This Psalm is David’s assurance of God’s care and protection __________

Upcoming Sermons

9/12/21 AM - The Faith of the Wise Men; PM - God is Still on His Throne: A Study of Trust

9/19/21 AM - Why Did It Have to be Jesus?; PM - Joseph the Just

9/26/21 AM - The Gospel of Self; PM - God’s Purpose for Planet Earth

10/3/21 AM - Some Things Never Change; PM - Themed Song Service: Around the Table of the Lord

10/10/21 AM & PM - What Does the Bible Teach About Christians and Indebtedness

10/17/21 AM & PM - Gospel Meeting with Barry Hudson, October 17-22, 2021

10/24/21 AM - “Fruit Worthy of Repentance”; PM - The Gospel of Self

10/31/21 AM - How Well Does God Know Me?; PM - Guest Speaker: Doug Sanders

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