

Trudge With Endurance

Trudge With Endurance

By Krystal Dunlap

            Walk around the neighborhood. It sounds like a reasonable request, right? So I take off at a brisk speed. The path begins as a flat, shady stretch, easily covered at a speedy pace. However, the shade is quickly taken away and replaced by the hot sun beating down on me. Then the road slopes upward, and my heart rate increases. As time passes, my poor body starts to ache. Inevitably, I slow down to a trudge, plodding along. I feel discouraged and want to give up, calling someone for a ride home. But then the truth hits me. I am still moving forward.

            Christians are called to run with endurance. Sometimes, I think we interpret ‘run’ in light of those Olympic athletes covering miles in minutes. Spiritually, we set an expectation of constantly driving full force at warp speed despite obstacles and burdens. However, I believe this interpretation puts an unreasonable expectation on us. Inevitably, it will lead to discouragement.

            Note that the intention of the word ‘run’ is not about some great feat of spiritual strength. One does not always have to be fast or speedy. In fact, scripture teaches that the winners, so to speak, are not of those who are running miles per minute. As Solomon said, “The race is not to the swift” (Ecc. 9:11).

            Rather, the expectation is that we continue to move forward (2Tim. 2:12).  Progressing forward despite momentary weakness is still spiritual movement. As burdens arise and obstacles appear, we may slow down. At such times, we must summon what strength we have to keep on. All around us, the Father and His own are standing by cheering us on, encouraging us to continue (Heb. 12:1-2).

            Unfortunately, there may be times when we want to give up. In such moments, we may resort to trudging, so to speak. Note that though it may be slow, we are still moving forward down the spiritual road. In such times, we can call for help from the Savior. The illustration of the poem “Footprints” speaks of the Lord’s ability to carry us on the hardest of paths. Through Him, no road is too difficult that we cannot continue (1Cor. 10:13).

            So in those moments when you are not running at full speed, breaking the spiritual sound barrier, do not feel discouraged. Do not allow the hills of life or the beating of burdens take you down. Instead, let the truth hit you. You are “still moving forward.”

Kneeling Before God

            The ancient Greeks and Romans rejected kneeling as a part of their worship. They said that kneeling was unworthy of a free man, unsuitable for the culture of Greece, and appropriate only for barbarians. The scholars Plutarch and Theophrastus regarded kneeling as an expression of superstition. Aristotle called it a barbaric form of behavior. This belief, however, was never held by God’s people.

            In Psalm 95:6, the psalmist indicated that kneeling expressed a deep reverence for God. In this one verse he used three different Hebrew words to express what the attitude and position of the worshiper should be.

            First, he used the word worship, which means to fall prostrate as a sign of honor to the Lord, with an associated meaning of allegiance to Him. The second word he used was bow. This means to sink down to one’s knees, giving respect and worship to the Lord. The psalmist then used the word kneel, which means to be on one’s knees giving praise to God.

            According to the psalmist, kneeling in God’s presence is a sign of reverence rather than a barbaric form of behavior. The important thing, however, is not just our physical position but a humble posture of the heart.

What Do You Do After You Say Amen?

By Don Truex

            It seems to me that we have a great many of our prayers unfinished. After all, what do you do after you say “AMEN”? If our petitions and intercessions to Jehovah are to be acceptable, then surely we must co-operate by functioning as His servants on this earth. For example:

            Having asked God’s aid in overcoming some particular temptation, do you then co-operate with Him? Do you avoid the people and places that tend to lead you into temptation? Do you “flee” from it (2Tim. 2:22), having an iron-clad resolve to “abstain” from everything that “wars against your soul” (1Peter 2:12)?

            Having asked Jehovah to bless the sick, do you co-operate with Him? Do you make yourself a vessel of service, visiting and striving to provide both the physical and emotional comfort needed by those for whom you’ve prayed?

            Having prayed for numerical growth of the congregation, do you then co-operate? Do you make every effort to “plant” and “water” the word of God in the soil of honest hearts so that God might “give the increase” (1Cor. 3:6)? Do you pray for the Lord to “send forth laborers into the harvest” (Matt. 9:28), and then volunteer to be the first to go? You see, after we say “AMEN” the work has just begun!

Proverbial Thoughts by Steve Melton

--Economics 101: Don't spend more than you have. Economics 102: Repeat Economics 101.

--Many are on the road to nowhere. If you want to, follow the traffic, you will get there.

--Peace comes with a price. There is a conflict before peace.

--Time and chance happen to all, but the choice to serve God is in our control.

--Having a hard time knowing when to hold them and when to fold them? Maybe you shouldn’t be in the game.

--Not all opportunities are good. Use wisdom to choose.

--Those that do not see intelligent design in the universe are not using their intelligence.

--Fear is a good motivator; Reward is a better motivator; Love is the best motivator.

Test Your Bible Knowledge of Job

1. What were the names of Job’s three friends who counseled him? ________, ________, & ________

2. How long did they remain silent and grieve with him? __________

3. List the three things taken away from Job when he was tested. _________, _________, & _________

4. What was the name of Job’s young friend who waited for the older men to speak first? ____________

5. What three things did Job receive at the end of his trial? __________, __________, & __________

6. For what great virtue is Job known? __________

Upcoming Sermons

8/1/21 AM - GOD is GOD of Gods; PM - Themed Singing Service: The Glory of God (All songs from Supplemental Song Book)

8/8/21 AM - Let Us Rise Up and Rebuild, Part One; PM - What is “the World”?

8/15/21 AM - Let Us Rise Up and Rebuild, Conclusion; PM - Joash Stored the Oil

8/22/21 - AM - “Stand”; PM - “Your Statutes Have Been My Songs”

8/29/21 AM - “Please Pray for Me”; PM - God is Still on His Throne: A Study of Trust

  1. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/15/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    1/19/25 09:30am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    1/19/25 10:30am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    1/19/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/22/25 07:00pm
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