

God’s Children Talk with One Another Often… And God Listens

God’s Children Talk with One Another Often… And God Listens

By Paul R. Blake

            “Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name. They shall be Mine, says the LORD of hosts, On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him. Then you shall again discern Between the righteous and the wicked, Between one who serves God And one who does not serve Him” (Mal. 3:16-18).

            The basis of true religion - “they that feared the Lord...”  One of the most often misunderstood phrases in the Bible is “the fear of God.” Frequently when one read this, he translates the meaning from its intended purpose into something dreadful and unproductive. Fearing God does not take the form of an abused slave's response to a whip cracking master; God does not abuse His people, nor is He arbitrary in punishing them. Instead, God's children reverence Him with a filial-type of fear, a fear, not that God will harm them vindictively, but that they might displease God, the object of their love and reverence. Filial fear is being afraid of sinning against the Father, not being afraid of suffering. When one sins deliberately against God whom he claims to love, then his fear ought to be of punishment. (Heb. 10:26-31; Rom. 11:22)

            The fellowship of true religion - “spake often one to another…” God created man to be a sociable being. In the Garden of Eden, He observed that it was not good for Adam to live alone, and so God made him a wife, a lifetime companion. God commanded that Christians in a given locality gather together to worship and to function collectively as a church. Through the Hebrew writer, He instructed His children to come together to provoke each other to love and good works, and to edify one another (Heb. 10:24-25). In Hebrews 3:13, He told the disciples to exhort each other on a daily basis for spiritual self-preservation. As social beings, what interests us most is what brings us together, and what brings spiritually-minded people together is their faith. However, worship services need not be the only reason God's children should speak often one to another. Our bonds of friendship and love are increased and strengthened by frequent association. When we consider the fruit of constant association with godly people, we cannot help but be moved by the spiritual advantages and blessings in those relationships.

            The product of true religion - “and the Lord hearkened and heard it...” Can there be a more pleasant sound than that of Christians engaged in edifying, uplifting conversation? It appears that God took note of the fact that His children were spending time talking with one another, and He listened to their exchanges. What an amazing verse! When His children are in conversation with each other, God (who is very likely the object of their discussions) becomes part of the exchange by participating as an avid listener. Paul's admonition to the Ephesians to speak only edifying words takes on a greater meaning when we realize just how far our words are reaching... all the way to the ears of God in heaven. We can be comforted by the knowledge that in every conversation there is a Listener who cannot misunderstand us, nor can He forget what we said.

            The blessings of true religion - “they shall be Mine...” God's response to the truly religious takes several forms: first, He claims them as His own. Those who follow the will of their Father do not embarrass Him, so that He is not ashamed to call them His children. Like a father who has a loving, obedient child and doesn't hesitate to tell anyone who will listen, so it is with God and His children who honor His will. What a sense of belonging one has when God says “this is a child of Mine.”! Secondly, God makes them His own special treasure. No one would dare to neglect guarding and protecting what is precious to him. Likewise, God watches very carefully over the jewels that are His children. Thirdly, God will spare them setting them apart from the unrighteous. His children are accorded special treatment, and God will not permit the punishment that is designed for the wicked to fall upon the righteous. Lastly, God will make manifest the difference between His children and those who do not serve Him. Serving Him is the basis of this distinction. In all ages of time, men have tried to blur the differences between good and evil, making it subject to the fashions and whims of the individual. Regardless, God makes it possible to discern between those who serve God and those who serve themselves. God's law governing human behavior is such that the righteous can no more hide his righteous life than the ungodly can hide a life led by sinful impulses.

            Those who fear the Lord speak often one to another, and God listens with interest to what they have to say. Spend time enjoying the double blessing of conversation with good people.

A Moments Wisdom

--You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.

--There are only two times in life: now and too late.

--Nostalgia: When you find the present tense and past perfect.

--For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: It might have been!

--Some choices we live not only once but a thousand times over, remembering them for the rest of our lives.

--Everything comes too late for those who only wait.

--When you realize you have made a mistake, make amends immediately. It’s easier to eat crow while it’s still warm.

--An apology is a good way to have the last word.

--Never ruin an good apology with an easy excuse.

Test Your Bible Knowledge

1. How old was Moses when he passed from life? __________

2. Where is Moses’ grave? __________

3. Who took Moses’ place as leader of Israel in the conquest of the Promised Land? ________

4. What were the leaders of Israel called before they we ruled by kings? _________

5. How long after Joshua’s passing did Israel remain faithful to God? __________

Upcoming Sermons

3/21/21 AM - “I am the Bread of Life” Conclusion; PM - Jeremiah’s Song

3/28/21 AM - “God is Faithful”; PM - When Satan Tells the Truth

4/4/21 AM - Who Are the Pure in Heart?; PM - Lifting the Veil of the World: Feeling Closer to Christ; Themed Singing Service

4/11/21 AM - Saving the Samaritans; PM - God Wants Us To Be Happy

4/18/21 AM - When I Don’t Know the Answer; PM - Zechariah and the Sharp Dressed Man

4/25/21 AM - “Now You are Speaking Plainly”; PM - “Aaron Shall be Gathered to His People”

  1. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/15/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    1/19/25 09:30am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    1/19/25 10:30am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    1/19/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/22/25 07:00pm
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