All Sermons and Classes

All Sermons and Classes

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/24/17 06: What Does Jesus Think of the Church in Sardis? Ian Rice Gospel Meeting 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 05232017_WhatDoesJesusThinkOfTheChurchAtSardis_IanRice.mp3
05/23/17 05: What Does Jesus Think of the Church in Thyatira? Ian Rice Gospel Meeting 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 05232017_WhatDoesJesusThinkOfTheChurchAtThyatira_IanRice.mp3
05/22/17 04: What Does Jesus Think of the Church in Pergamos? Ian Rice Gospel Meeting 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 05222017PM_WhatDoesJesusThinkOfTheChurchInPergamos_IanRice.mp3
05/21/17 01: How To Overcome Our Past Ian Rice Gospel Meeting 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 01_How_To_Overcome.mp3
05/21/17 02: What Does Jesus Think of the Church at Ephesus? Ian Rice Gospel Meeting 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 02_WhatDoesJesusThinkOfTheChurchAtEphesus.mp3
05/21/17 03: What Does Jesus Think of the Church at Smyrna? Ian Rice Gospel Meeting 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 05212017PM_WhatDoesJesusThinkOfTheChurchAtSmyrna_IanRice.mp3
05/17/17 13: Acts 9 - Peter Raises Tabitha from the Dead Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Wed Bible Study 13_Acts9.mp3
05/14/17 12: Acts 9 - Conversion of Saul Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Sun Bible Study 12_Acts9.mp3
05/14/17 The Influence of a Godly Mother Andy Brenton Sermon N/A Sun AM 05142017AM_The_Influence_of_a_Godly_Mother_Andy_Brenton.mp3
05/14/17 Why Have A Gospel Meeting? Andy Brenton Sermon N/A Sun PM 05142017PM_Why_Have_A_Gospel_Meeting_Andy_Brenton.mp3
05/10/17 11: Acts 8 - Ethiopian Eunuch Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Wed Bible Study 11_Acts8.mp3
05/07/17 Craving Pleasure Andy Brenton Sermon What's Hurting Us Now? Sun AM 3_-_Craving_Pleasure.pdf 05072017am_Hurting_Us_Now-CravingPleasure_Web.pdf
05/07/17 10: Acts 8 - Persecution Of The Church Begins Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Sun Bible Study 10_Acts8.mp3
05/03/17 09: Acts 7 - Stephen's Defense Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Wed Bible Study 09_Acts7.mp3
04/30/17 Worldliness Andy Brenton Sermon What's Hurting Us Now? Sun AM Worldliness_April30-2017_AndyBrenton.mp3 Worldliness.pdf 04302017am_Hurting_Us_Now-Worldliness_Web.pdf
04/30/17 Materialism Andy Brenton Sermon What's Hurting Us Now? Sun PM Materialism_04302017pm_AndyBrenton.mp3 Materialism.pdf 04302017pm_Hurting_Us_Now-Materialism_Web.pdf
04/30/17 08: Acts 6 - Apostles Select Men To Serve Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Sun Bible Study 08_Acts6.mp3
04/26/17 07: Acts 5 - Apostles Before The Council Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Wed Bible Study 07_Acts5.mp3
04/23/17 06: Acts 5 - Ananias & Sapphira Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Sun Bible Study 06_Acts5.mp3
04/23/17 Haggai Isaiah Peeler Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-23-17A_IPeeler_Haggai.mp3
04/23/17 The Evils of Television Entertainment Ross Statham Sermon N/A Sun PM 04-23-17P_RStatham_EvilsOfTelevision.mp3
04/19/17 05: Acts 3-4 - Peter Heals The Lame Man Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Wed Bible Study 05_Acts3-4.mp3
04/16/17 Edification Andy Brenton Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-16-17A_ABrenton_Edification.mp3 Edification.pdf
04/12/17 04: Acts 2 - Peter's Sermon Donald Meeker Foundation Class Foundations Class: Go Tell the Good News (Acts and Paul's Epistles) Wed Bible Study 04_Acts2.mp3
04/09/17 Resolving Problems Between Brethren Andy Brenton Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-09-17A_ABrenton_ResolvingProblemsBetweenBrethren.mp3 04092017am_Resolving_Problems_Between_Brethren.pdf

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